When I started this blog, I never imagined it would grow so quickly. I’m thrilled that so many people are engaging with me through the blog and social media. Interacting with readers from around the world who share my passion for food, travel, and cooking has been an incredible learning experience.
How to Reach Me:
Contact Form: Use the form at the bottom of this page.
Main Website: Reach me via the Food Media Network.
Social Media: Find our platforms through the icons at the top of this page or through our Linktree.
Guidelines for Contacting Me: When you contact me, please do not send questions about the topics below so that I can focus my time on the questions that aren’t answered here.
Recipe Use: If you would like to use a recipe on your site or blog from my blog, website, or e-cookbooks, you are more than welcome to link to the recipe and getting permission is not required. However, the recipes on this blog, on my websites, and in my cookbooks are copyrighted and should not be reprinted word-for-word elsewhere.
Photograph Use: While I appreciate the interest, photographs on this site are intended for use on this site only and are meant to be part of the stories and recipes on my blog. For that reason, I don’t give permission to use them on other websites or blogs, in magazines, or elsewhere. You are however welcome to use a thumbnail with a direct link to my site if desired.
Requests to Avoid: Please do not send requests for link exchanges, requests to write guest posts, or requests to publish infographics; I generally do not participate with these.
Errors & Typos: In regard to errors, typos, and goofs, just relax and take a deep breath. Due to the fact that this site is my personal space, I don’t have copy editors and proofreaders on call. The site is a casual, fun place to share recipes about things I am eating and report on places I travel to. While I try my darndest to avoid errors, my eyes are not what they used to be and sometimes my fingers flying over the keyboard hit a comma instead of a period. So, while I strive for perfection, I’m bound to mess up occasionally. I welcome constructive comments and you are more than welcome to shoot me a (nice) comment so I can fix any goofs or gaffes.
Advertisers: If you are an advertiser and want to send an inquiry, do not use this contact form to send a request. Instead, please email me at: foodmedianetwork@gmail.com
Response Rate: I do appreciate you taking the time to write to me, and I do read everything that is sent. I also do try to respond to as many messages as possible, however, sometimes due to the volume received and my time constraints, I’m not always able to and therefore I want to apologize in advance if I can’t respond to your message. Thank you for your understanding!
– Chef Colin Roche
You can also leave me a message on our “Community Hotline” if you want? The number is (207) 835-1275. Questions, comments, and/or suggestions are always welcome, and I would love to hear from you!
Contact Form
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